Fair Pricing
The European Fair Pricing Network (EFPN) aims to achieve fair prices for cancer medicines and, more broadly, works towards a pharmaceutical market which produces accessible and truly innovative medicines for patients.
There have been significant advances in medical treatment of cancer in the past decades, however, access to new therapies remains a challenge. Timely access to products with proven benefit should be assured for patients who need them.
Pharmaceutical spending, and especially spending on novel oncology medicines are rapidly rising. The quantity of expensive cancer medicine entering the European market increases, which challenges economical sustainability. Prices are independent of efficacy, and variate across countries due to private negotiations and rebates.
Transparency is needed throughout the entire system. Starting from research and development all the way to manufacturing, marketing, trade and financing. A transparent system, understandable for both patients and payers, shall ensure timely access to high-quality cost-effective treatments which significantly improve patient outcomes.
The advocacy unit will translate the research findings into policy recommendations in order to shape political decisions on the European and national level. Click here for our key policy messages.
Achieve greater bargaining power for governments in the pricing negotiations with the industry.
Ensure medicines resulting from publicly funded research are available at an affordable price.
Partner Engagement
Does your organisation value transparency in the pharmaceutical system?
Take the opportunity to become a partner in this international network. As an EFPN partner you can contribute in resources, time or both. We believe that cancer societies have a particular role to play. They are highly respected organizations, act as one of the main funders of cancer research, and focus on the well-being of patients.
Do you believe that increasing transparency will help patients access safe and effective products?
Cancer societies cannot do this on their own. We call on organizations from different fields to join our cause, including researchers, patients, healthcare professionals, philanthropists, and investigative journalists.